Saturday, November 17, 2007

Colin Firth Rocks My World

Okay there are a number of stars I would happily stalk but Colin Firth ranks right near the top. Why is the fabulous Colin on my mind? Bridget Jones' Diary has been playing over and over on one of the movie channels and of course, I've been watching it. It's either that or the really not good version of Pride and Prejudice. Which I probably don't like because unlike the BBC version this one does not contain Colin Firth.

There is a rumour out there that he may be attending the Dubai Film Festival this year which puts Lindy in a bad situation because I will obviously be lurking in the general vicinity of Colin and my phone will be off. Nothing gives away a stalker like a mis-timed cell phone call. Of course, I'm kidding about stalking him. Whenever I meet a star that I genuinely adore my conversational skills regress to a time when I was incapable of speech. Who knows maybe he's really in to incoherent grunts. Cue dream sequence music .....

I really must get back to Bridget Jones now.

Oh yeah Dubai Temp: 28 degrees at 9:38pm ..... so chilly

1 comment:

Mike said...

If you meet Colin and you're reduced to incoherent grunts, I'll tell him you're from some small country that nobody has ever heard of and proceed to be your translator.