Thursday, November 29, 2007

It's The Little Things

It's so weird how sometimes the tiniest things will bring and image to your mind.

Today I was getting on the escalator to leave one of the cinemas. The woman who was directly in front of me came to an abrupt halt and waited a second before tentatively stepping on to the escalator. This immediately brought Kerry to mind - not much with the depth perception our girl - and brought on a strong pang of homesick.

Next I went to another one of the cinemas we are using and met up with Mukesh. He's one of our box office staff who is the middle east version of a lovely young lad who works for the Toronto festival named Jonathan Goldsbie. When he came for his initial interview Lindy and I were both struck by the similarity. Until today I didn't even bother learning Mukesh's name because I just called him Goldsbie in my head. I've since told him the story which he finds amusing. I must print a picture of Jonathan so he can see it..... again, more homesick.

I went to the last cinema and the local stray cat - it's a little orange kitty - was chasing a butterfly out by the bushes. This made me think of Hank and again with the homesick.

I pity Lindy in another week or so.

The Muffin Man can't get here soon enough!

BTW Muffin Man the box office staff has been instructed to call you that during the festival .... the legend continues!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope the muffin man comes here soon and bakes us muffins....I love muffins...